Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Coda.io, Notion.so, Clickup.com and AirTables are they a new wave of software engineering tools?

I've been working with these tools for a couple of months now (almost a year i think) and i'm starting to realise that this is the way software engineering will work most of the time in a couple of years. The purists among you will say that it can't be true but let me digress.

These tools are so empowering and anyone can start using them.

When i say everyone, i only mean people who are minded on improving their workflow, the kind of people who used to build enormous excel worksheet to help with their tasks. Once they wrap their head around the way these new interfaces work, they will be able to build great apps and the best part is, we will all be able to learn from them!

Don't get me wrong however, we will always need software engineers to organise how stuff should work to increase efficiency and usability. But, getting a working software as a starting point enables so much more communication between developers and client. it also helps with quick prototyping!

Rapid prototyping is where it's at!

Imagine that you are with someone who pitches you an idea for an inventory management system that takes data from a form some user complete and then send an e-mail to a third party and remove that element from an inventory somewhere else. How much time would it take for you to prototype a software like that for a client if you were using React or any other technology really weeks? months? you'd need to setup a database, a frontend a backend...so much tedious work.. 😭

With Coda, an advanced user can probably build this within hours and then show it to their client and get their feedback right now! After getting their feedback, the solution is up to you, you can keep it on Coda OR you can use what you learned and implement it anywhere else you want. Your Coda document then becomes your Documentation!

But we'll all be loosing our jobs :( 

I think it already takes a special mindset to properly design a software, anyone can create a Coda doc but i think only software engineers can really polish an idea and make it work perfectly. So i don't think we will loose our job anytime soon!

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