Monday, June 7, 2010

Android Dev Part II - Podeer

This week-end I took some time to continue this app i'm developing for Android. The app will officially be named Podeer! So, for the moment there is not much meat on the software but at least there is some, the program lets the user see a list of blogs (about eve online)(which are saved on the sd card in xml format) and when selected, each blogs will show a list of recent posts.

Okay, i know it's not much, actually it's not even noteworthy. But, it took me something around 5 hours just to do that! why? because i had to research about a ton of stuff namely, what is the name of the method called when a user touch an item. It also took me a lot of time to realise that i had forgot the "@Override" annotation atop this method *sigh*.

But well, now the developement is going steady and i'm half-way to having my on-the-go eve-online update app.

Next step, after the reader is adding the functionalities already present in "Aura" android app

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